
4 октября 2024

Songs in the Erzya and Moksha languages were played from the stage of the Luch Cultural Center in Saransk

The IV Interregional Festival of national song "New Song of the ancient Land" was held in the capital of Mordovia.
4 октября 2024

Books for children of the Luhansk People's Republic are being collected in Saransk

ANO "Center for Support and Protection of Childhood" announced a charity collection of printed publications for children of Lugansk.
4 октября 2024

In Mordovia, a driver can be sentenced to one year in prison for attempting to bribe a traffic police officer

The relevant case was submitted to the court of the city of Saransk.
4 октября 2024

Two libraries in Minsk and Saransk were connected by a teleconference

The online event was attended by pupils of school No. 8 in the capital of Mordovia and schoolchildren from Minsk.
3 октября 2024

Uber and Lyft drivers have started using Tesla as makeshift robotaxis

American drivers can put passengers in danger due to the abuse of autopilot software.
3 октября 2024

Inflation in Turkey has slowed to a minimum since last summer

The growth rate of prices for goods and services has decreased in the Republic of Turkey.
3 октября 2024

Rice has fallen to a minimum in the last 16 years due to India

A large South Asian country has eased restrictions on the export of a popular food product.