СМИ: Пакистан разработает стратегическую дорожную карту взаимодействия с Россией

Иностранное государство намерено расширить сотрудничество с РФ.

В Грузии заявили, что санкции против РФ привели бы к спаду экономики

Соседнее с Россией государство объяснило, почему не поддерживает антироссийские рестрикции.

Глава Кубани рассказал о развитии инфраструктуры для плавания

По словам руководителя региона, в Краснодарском крае работают 112 бассейнов для спортивного плавания.


26 июля 2024

Demand for IT specialists has increased by a third in Ugra

Such employees are offered an average salary of around 70,000 rubles per month.
26 июля 2024

People from other regions are going to Mordovia to give birth

Since the beginning of 2024, 144 nonresident babies have been born in the republic.
26 июля 2024

Almost all residents of the Republic of Mordovia use high-quality drinking water

In five years, twelve water supply facilities have been built and repaired in the region.
26 июля 2024

A festival for the elderly was held in the capital of Mordovia

#We are Young at heart and have combined three directions — interactive, sports and creative.
26 июля 2024

Shuffleboard, Novuss, Jaccolo and Corn Hall were played in Saransk

Games with such exotic names are included in the list of the republican festival of board games for the disabled.
26 июля 2024

A large family from Mordovia hopes for the support of compatriots in the All-Russian competition "Family of the Year"

Until the end of July, you can take part in online voting for the Levanov family from Mordovia, which is represented in the nomination "People's Sympathy" of the All-Russian competition "Family of the Year".