
9 сентября 2024

5 best craftsmen of the country came to Mordovia for the Finno-Ugric festival of wood carvers

The Finno-Ugric festival "Weisen undokst", which means "United roots" in the Erzya language, has ended in the village of Podlesnaya Tavla in the Kochkurovsky district of Mordovia.
9 сентября 2024

A large batch of flu vaccines has been received in Mordovia — more than 200 thousand doses

In September, 138 thousand doses of vaccines for adults and 75 thousand for children were delivered to the republic.
9 сентября 2024

Since the beginning of the year, more than 9 thousand tons of grain and processed products have been shipped from Mordovia to Poland, Belarus and Kazakhstan

The volume of exports exceeded the volume of the same period last year by one and a half times.
9 сентября 2024

The renovation of the children's educational center in Ruzaevka will be carried out at the expense of state support

The Partner Business Center received a grant for repairs within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative".
9 сентября 2024

The Moscow Biathlon Championship and Championship were held in the capital of Mordovia

Due to the lack of necessary infrastructure for training and competitions, biathletes from Moscow come to Saransk twice a year.
9 сентября 2024

The rhythmic gymnastics competition season has started in Saransk

An important stage of the competition has begun for the Mordovian gymnasts.
9 сентября 2024

The results of the elections to the Council of Deputies were announced in Pushkino

55 pecs worked in the district for three days, during which time more than one hundred thousand voters voted.