
5 августа 2024

Students of Ogarev Moscow State University study dialects of Mordovian and Russian languages in the villages of the republic

Second-year students of the Faculty of Philology conducted dialectological and folklore practice in Moksha village.

3 августа 2024

In July, Russian residents sold dollars almost a third more often than they bought

The Russian bank analyzed the conversion of the American currency in the country.
3 августа 2024

S&P downgraded Ukraine's credit rating to "selective default"

American analysts believe that the neighboring state of the Russian Federation may soon stop paying its foreign debts.
3 августа 2024

RIA Novosti: Russia has entered the top three economies with the lowest public debt per inhabitant

The Russian media analyzed the financial borrowings of various states.
2 августа 2024

Apple pinns hopes on AI due to falling iPhone sales in China

The American manufacturer is reducing the cost of its smartphones in China in order to compete with local companies.
2 августа 2024

Fruits and vegetables have risen in price on record in Cyprus

The island state suffered due to the loss of part of the harvest of various fruits.
2 августа 2024

Mass media: tomato boom began in Russia after cucumber

The Russian Federation is increasing the production of tomatoes and products made from vegetables.