
3 октября 2024

The FAS has declared illegal the increase in prices for MTS services

A large mobile operator of the Russian Federation was ordered to eliminate violations of the law.
3 октября 2024

The Moscow Exchange will launch trading in new futures for metals

The capital Stock Exchange Holding has noticed the interest of market participants in commodity instruments.
3 октября 2024

In Mordovia, traffic police inspectors are actively working on the prevention of alcoholism

For this purpose, regular raids are carried out on the territory of Mordovia.
3 октября 2024

Krasnoyarsk agro-industrial companies will receive state support for their investment projects

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture is holding a grant competition in priority areas of development of the sphere.

3 октября 2024

The level of security at transport facilities has been strengthened in the Samara region

This regime has been in effect in the region since October 3rd for 15 days.
3 октября 2024

They offered to return the factories to Yekaterinburg

An employee of the Mayor's office cites Barcelona and Los Angeles as examples.
3 октября 2024

In Tatarstan, the company "DIO LOGISTICS" repaid tax arrears in the amount of 111 million rubles

A criminal case was opened against the management of the organization under Article 199, part 2, paragraph "b" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.