
2 октября 2024

A resident of Mordovia will appear in court on charges of embezzlement of 3 million rubles from the budget

Investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova have completed the investigation of a criminal case against a 56-year-old man accused of committing a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud on a particularly large scale".
2 октября 2024

T-bank has increased the profitability of Smartvklad to 21%

A popular credit institution has improved the conditions of one of the deposits.
2 октября 2024

In Mordovia, they sew hoodies and sweatshirts for their fighters

In the Staroshaygovsky district of Mordovia, activists of the MYVMESTE headquarters make clothes for military personnel.
2 октября 2024

In Mordovia, almost three hundred families received the rest of the mother capital in cash

The regional branches of the Social Fund continue to pay 10 thousand rubles to families living in the republic.
2 октября 2024

The Surskaya autumn was painted by Mordovian artists at a collective painting workshop

A republican master class in painting organized by the Republican House of Folk Art took place in the Cultural and Leisure Center of the Bolshebereznikovsky district.
2 октября 2024

VTB has introduced restrictions on the number of credit cards per client

A well-known financial organization of the Russian Federation has decided to reduce the financial burden of citizens.
2 октября 2024

An updated kindergarten has been opened in the Ichalkovsky district of Mordovia

A pre-school educational institution has started working again in the village of Kemlya after major repairs.