
2 октября 2024

The Surskaya autumn was painted by Mordovian artists at a collective painting workshop

A republican master class in painting organized by the Republican House of Folk Art took place in the Cultural and Leisure Center of the Bolshebereznikovsky district.
2 октября 2024

VTB has introduced restrictions on the number of credit cards per client

A well-known financial organization of the Russian Federation has decided to reduce the financial burden of citizens.
2 октября 2024

An updated kindergarten has been opened in the Ichalkovsky district of Mordovia

A pre-school educational institution has started working again in the village of Kemlya after major repairs.
2 октября 2024

In Mordovia, a preventive conversation was held with college students "In road safety - start with yourself!"

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate held a meeting with first-year students of the Ruzaevsky College of Railway and Urban Transport named after A. P. Baykuzov.
2 октября 2024

BEAC has raised market mortgage rates

Real estate loans have risen in price in the largest financial institution in the Russian Federation.
2 октября 2024

Construction of a new residential complex starts in Saransk

Housing construction in the republic is one of the priorities announced in the Message of the Head of Mordovia.
2 октября 2024

Athletes from Mordovia performed brilliantly at the All-Russian dance sports competitions

The first tournament of the season took place in Yekaterinburg.