Южная Корея закупила в России рекордное количество древесины

В июле объём поставок древесной продукции составил 33 миллиона долларов.

Дальний Восток может стать флагманским регионом в развитии отечественной энергетики

Министерство энергетики выделило регион в отдельный блок в стратегии, разработанной до 2050-го года.

Глава Пушкинского побывал на избирательных участках округа

Максим Красноцветов оценил организацию процесса.


27 августа 2024

The Prosecutor's office helped 70 disabled people from Yugra to obtain rehabilitation funds

The tender for the purchase of prostheses and other equipment was not organized on time.
27 августа 2024

The Moscow petty-bourgeois court arrested Rusnano's top managers in absentia

According to investigators, Oleg Kiselyov and Irina Rapoport squandered a large amount of investments, which caused serious damage to the corporation.
27 августа 2024

In Sochi, a Muscovite woman was sentenced to one year in a penal colony for bullying her son

The woman performed ritual rituals in relation to her two-year-old child.
27 августа 2024

In the Moscow region, the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation into the poisoning of children in an aqua club

Four teenagers turned to doctors after visiting a swimming pool in Yegoryevsk.
27 августа 2024

In the Moscow region, the court sentenced the organizer of illegal gambling

The accused was sentenced to 2 years of probation and a fine of 600,000 rubles.
26 августа 2024

A resident of the Lipetsk region can be imprisoned for 6 years for stealing several tons of mineral fertilizers

The damage caused by the actions of the thief amounted to almost 5.4 million rubles.